Andio Papelaria
Description: Papelaria personalizada
Name: Andreza Galdino
Andreza Galdino (@andrezagaldino25), 37 years old, joined Projeto Hub to learn about entrepreneurship. Initially, she had a small food business, but she was not making a profit and could no longer pay the shop rent or replenish the goods. As she had to close the doors of her enterprise, Andreza found in the Projeto Hub the support to develop the plan of a new online stationery store.
Combining Andreza’s talent for manual arts with her husband Diógenes’ experience in graphic work, she initiated Andio Papelaria, a personalized stationery store.
The entrepreneur intends to provide unique emotions through the development of party items, such as personalised cards and souvenirs, according to her customers’ needs.
Andreza says she has learned a lot in the mentorships, workshops and lectures offered by Projeto Hub.